19 February 2012

Australian Infantry

The figures are a mix of old 1/76 scale "Matchbox Anzac Infantry" and "Airfix Australian Infantry".

06 February 2012

Pegasus French Infantry

A picture of the new Pegasus 20mm WW2 French Infantry painted by Carlos de la Concha from the Brazo de Nelson wargame group.

05 February 2012

Italeri German Motorcycles and Sidecars

The big car in the background is a Hasegawa Mercedes that I rescued from a pile of old kits in a box and found a nice canvas roof from the spares box that fitted perfectly. After taking this photo, I've realised that the paint on one of the wheels has either chipped off, or I missed that bit when painting :-(

I changed a few heads to give them all helmets and I'll be using them for the 1940 campaign in France - The uniforms are all wrong, but no-one will notice too much (hopefully) painted in Field-Grey uniforms with Panzer Grey bikes and sidecars.

The figure with the binoculars has a helmet grafted on from the accessories that come with the Revell German 105mm Gun & Crew.

04 February 2012

Arnhem Wargame Photos

We’ve now gamed the first three scenarios and at the moment it’s neck and neck. These pictures are from the latest scenario where troops from the 1st Parachute Regiment on the way to Ede-Arnhem junction come into contact in the woods with elements of the Hohenstaufen Anti-Aircraft Detachment 9